Each month, there are hundreds of official and unofficial month-long, week-long, and single day celebrations, proclamations, holidays, and observances. Lev Promotions can help you find the one that will tie into your product, service, location, goodwill outreach efforts, theme, or just your sense of humor and allow you to bring a new twist to your marketing programs.
Since you should always think as far ahead as possible in organizing your promotional programs, our list below is a sampling of the holidays & observances for March and April 2017. (Because some of the actual dates change from year to year, we've only listed the events here. Please contact us for specific information on dates and any available informational resources.) Of course, if you are running a bit behind, or are planning well in advance, we have listings for every month of the year. Just give us a call at 619-697-2045 or e-mail us at info@levpromotions.com for a listing for any month of the year, or for a consultation on how we can tie in an event on the list to your marketing plan.
December 2024
January 2025
February 2025