Are You Getting the Most out of Your Trade Show Marketing Program?
Did you know that trade shows can be a far more cost-effective way to connect with and market to customers and prospects than one-on-one sales calls?
Consider this about trade shows exhibits:
Many of the people on your radar already attend these shows – you can leverage time with customers and prospects over the course of the show, reducing or eliminating the need for cold calls.
People you may never have thought to connect with attend these shows.
You can target attendees with pre-show marketing to entice and encourage booth visits and/or to pre-arrange meetings with your best clients and hottest prospects on or off the show floor for valuable results.
If you have a product that is large or very heavy that can’t easily be transported on regular sales calls? An exhibit may be the perfect place to do hands-on product demonstrations or just to show off that product.
Lev Promotions
creates pre-show and/or at-show marketing strategies to boost booth visits by your target market.
ensures better results by helping you design a post-show follow-up strategy.
creates signage and graphics to intrigue people who are “just passing by."
increases excitement at your booth with at-show promotional activities that will entice greater booth traffic.
provides resources for all your trade show needs.
Whether it’s your first or your 1,001st time exhibiting at a trade show, implementation of:
> good marketing strategies <
> well chosen promotional products <
> wise distribution of promotional products <
> effective booth graphics <
can be the difference between just being there and seeing actual, significant results.